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He aint no saint, but was definitely an angel sent from above

WOW! Travel Small Group Travel

It was January 26, 2000 when I had a lunch appointment with a prospective new hire.

I’d already scheduled two in-person interviews, checked references, provided my references (since employment is a two-way relationship) and had the prospect complete a Personal Career Development Profile. I had shared a two-page “Typical Day on the Job for Director of Operations” which listed almost 20 different potential tasks that might crop up – from the routine (file copies of check payments in appropriate group tour files) to the problematic (advise a client that his costs are going to increase because of an unexpected hike in gas prices).

In a small company, every hiring decision is important. In my company – given my inclination to retain the wrong people for far too long – this decision was especially important. A few weeks before, my Operations Manager had quit without notice over some perceived slight, about which I still had no idea. (One clue, which escaped me at the time, were her parting words: “You’re too nice.”)

Irene was knowledgeable and efficient with all things related to airline stuff: blocking space, negotiating group rates, asking for favors from airline reps, using the Sabre reservations system, ticketing, refunds, and obeying the “god” of travel agencies: the Airline Reporting Corporation. As the owner, chief cook, and bottle-washer – always feeling that I needed to know how to do just about everything in my business – I was dependent on her to manage everything related to air ticketing. I really needed to find the right person.

This candidate – one of six that I interviewed – had passed every test. In an email to the consultant with whom I reviewed the afore-mentioned Personal Career Development Profile, I wrote, “I’m concerned that I don’t have concerns! He seems perfect.”

I’d made so many disastrous hiring decisions that I still didn’t trust myself. My notes about him were effusive:

“Bright, sharp, ambitious. His management philosophy: work hard & have fun. Believes in recognition and reward. Philosophy: learn from every experience – even the setbacks. See the positive. His ‘love letters’ glow with recognition from all levels of senior management to peers to customers. Good family values. Excited about the prospect of working for a small company where his contributions will be appreciated. He’s loyal. Frustrated that the new management team at his (big) company doesn’t seem to care about employees. Passionate about the travel industry. Articulate, organized, focused. Likes a challenge. I think he’d be a good leader . . .”

What was I missing? Aside from his horrible penmanship, he seemed too good to be true.

I took a deep breath and hired him. His start date would be February 28, 2000 (with a 90-day probation period).


He passed probation. In fact, this week, we celebrated Gabriel Haigazian’s 17th anniversary with CTP!

He started his career as a travel agent with May Company Travel. (May Company was a prominent department store chain in southern California.) He moved on to Maritz Travel to manage all travel arrangements for executives and employees of Nissan North America. Several years later, when Maritz changed management he became disenchanted with them – at the same time I needed someone . . . and the rest is history!

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Gabriel – with hair – at his first travel agency job! Circa 1990.

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Gabriel at CTP – without hair (this industry will do that)! Circa 2014.

There are so many fun things to write about when it comes to Gabriel, but one thing that we laugh about with regularity in the office is something we call “Gabrielisms.” He has a special way of turning a phrase . . .

“That’s just part of the course.”

“He pegged it on the nail.”

“I’m biting at the chomp.”

“The smell of airplane fuel reminds me of my adulthood.”

“He’s the butt of my existence.”

“Don’t put the horse before the kettle.”

“It was the draw of the luck.”

And word switches: “gazpacho” (for Gestapo), “ibupropane” (for ibuprofin), “non-secular” (for non sequitur), “hob-snobbing,” “Tom Perignon,” and “plurging” (for splurging, purging or a combination of both).

Gabriel wears many hats . . .

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. . . and he wears them well!

And he gets plenty of well-deserved accolades:

“Thank you again for your miracle works.”

“You rose to the occassion and performed with dedication, enthusiasm and diligence.”

“You’ve got a great attitude with a professional and pleasant demeanor.”

“You and your team continue to amaze me … there’s a reason why I don’t micro-manage you – you just do it right!”

“We know that coordination and management of a once-in-a-lifetime experience is a big feat, but you made it seem effortless and therefore created an atmosphere in which we could completely relax and enjoy every moment. THAT is a gift!”

“This was the best program in my 19 years – everything was completely buttoned-down and there’s nothing I would have changed. It was a plus, plus, plus program.”

Check out this slideshow that I made for him! Five minutes of fun!

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… as if there was ever a doubt!

Thanks, Gabriel – for 17 years of fabulous collaboration and fun! Your loyalty, leadership and positive energy have been invaluable to CTP’s success. Your initiative, passion, and commitment to both company and customers are appreciated more than you’ll ever know. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

What’s your favorite Gabriel moment?




  • Steve and Peggy Brown March 3, 2017 at 4:13pm

    Gabriel, we still have an unscheduled date for Ethiopian lunch!
    Congrats on 17 years with CTP.

    • Gabriel March 3, 2017 at 5:51pm

      Steve & Peggy, yes yes yes. Let’s plan this dinner soon. I’m obsessed with a new Ethiopian restaurant in “Little Ethiopia” on Fairfax, in Los Angeles. It’s called Lalibela. Would love to go with you.

  • Jane Halsey March 3, 2017 at 4:25pm

    A one of kind – big beautiful soul. How you captured the mix that makes him special. YOu sure got it right the day you said yes to hiring him. Love the photo with all that hair. Who knew!

    Congratulations Gabriel and Marilyn on 17th years of creating magic for people!

    • Gabriel March 3, 2017 at 5:48pm

      David, what a wonderful surprise to hear from you. Yes, of course I remember your willingness to jump out of a “perfectly good airplane” with me that day. What a bond we created, that nobody could ever break! Thank You for the Memories! I do hope our paths will cross again one day soon. Please give my best and a very big hug to Darcy!

      • Gabriel March 3, 2017 at 5:49pm

        Jane, thank you for the sweet message. Yes, believe it or not, at one time I did have a full head of hair!

  • David Smith March 3, 2017 at 4:39pm

    Gabriel this is David Smith-NECA Contractor I know you have many stories and experiences over your 17 years, but this is one of those stories I hope you remember, During a trip to Australia you wanted to sky dive, you had already done a 10K jump so you want to do a 14K jump, well no one would accompany you so being a team player I volunteered, we went to the airfield, got suited up, went out to the tar mac to the little plane with our jump partners, the hydraulic lines on the plane were attached with duct tape, after viewing the condition of the plane the jump partners decided to wait for there other plane to return, we boarded that plane, went up to 14K where our jump partners pushed us out of the plane, after landing in the local corn field both of us were nauseated from the dive and proceeded to sit on a picnic bench have a coke to settle our stomachs and coordinate our story so when we returned to the group we were heroes! THANKS FOR THE MEMORIES

    • Gabriel March 3, 2017 at 5:48pm

      David, what a wonderful surprise to hear from you. Yes, of course I remember your willingness to jump out of a “perfectly good airplane” with me that day. What a bond we created, that nobody could ever break! Thank You for the Memories! I do hope our paths will cross again one day soon. Please give my best and a very big hug to Darcy!

  • Bruce March 3, 2017 at 4:56pm


  • Teresa March 3, 2017 at 5:15pm

    Congratulations Gabriel on 17 years!! Looks like you and Marilyn both made a great decision to work with each other. Not only are you great co-workers, but what an awesome friendship(s) you’ve created. Hope to work with you again soon!

    Great video Marilyn…..

    • gabriel March 3, 2017 at 5:53pm

      Thank you for the kind words, Teresa. It’s hard to believe 17 years has gone by. It’s been a privilege and an honor to be part of the dynamic CTP team. Marilyn has always been the most amazing mentor ever! I’ve learned so much from her. Well, almost so much. The one thing I fortunately did not learn from her is her ability to always get to the airport 5 minutes before a flight departs.

  • Donna & Brian Elliott March 3, 2017 at 5:33pm

    Brian and I want to congratulate Gabriel on 17 years at CTP. We have so many fond memories of our trips with him. Always a great leader, constantanty making sure things go well and able to leap tall buildings when a problem arrives. Thank you Gabriel for all you do. Wishing you all the best that life offers.

  • Laurie Rhoads March 3, 2017 at 9:36pm

    He is so on it, that after a few days in Russia, our group of 50 grownups (!) went from asking him if our documents were in order to asking, “Gabriel, am I hungry?!” or, “Should I bring my sweater, Gabriel?!” We became so dependent on him (because he’s so dependable) that we were like a bus full of toddlers! We drove him to his breaking point, which was him slowly shaking his head and stepping off the bus. We were startled, not by his sudden departure, but by our own dependency on him. He came back a moment later, seeming to not skip a beat and pointing to each, said, “You’re not hungry yet; you should take your sweater; and everyone else figure it out.” We all laughed and apologized and laughed. Still do almost 8 years later… and we always feel like we’re his best friends who he sees once a year. A big “snort” out to Gabriel! We love him!

  • Ron Murphy March 5, 2017 at 7:20am

    Heh. I stopped reading about halfway through cuz I wanted to get right to the comments. But everything I read up to that point was — going strictly on my experience with Gabriel — true, as far as my experience with him would allow me to judge. (What the heck do I know about Sabre reservations!)

    Anyway, my comment is that I have been totally brainwashed by my sister about this guy over the years. But every dealing with him has confirmed that the (note quotes) “brainwash” is the real deal. Thanks Gabriel for everything. A real pro, a great guy. Best wishes!

  • Rhea Stewart March 9, 2017 at 5:37pm

    Everything about this just makes me smile!! I am so lucky to know Gabriel and to be able to call him a client and friend. Congratulations on 17 years with Marilyn and one of the best teams in the business!! 🙂

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