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It’s “Celebrating Howard” Day!

WOW! Travel Small Group Travel

April 15, 2020

Like most “non-essential” businesses, we’ve closed our physical office and are working remotely during this time of COVID-19. It’s been a month, and I’m missing my morning commute, my in-office routine, and – mostly – I’m missing my team. Yes, we can still do most things remotely, but it’s just not the same!

Ours is a people business. And I’ve got the best people! Being apart from them during this time makes this surreal quarantine experience even more challenging. And being apart prevents us from celebrating something special: Today is the 12-year work anniversary of our Unsung Hero, Howard Wise!

Howard joined my team when I merged with another travel company in 2008. The merger proved to be a poor business decision, but I got Howard out of the deal, so it paid off in the long run!

In case you don’t know Howard, he’s never one to steal the spotlight. In fact, he’s extremely uncomfortable in the spotlight – which makes him a perfect target . . . it’s just irresistible!

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Celebrating Howard’s 10-year anniversary with a kitten theme. (In case it’s not obvious – he’s NOT a cat person!)

He hates getting his picture taken, but he’s always a good sport, once we cajole him into posing for a photo!

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For Gabriel’s 50th birthday, we had a “Summer of Love” theme (he was born in 1969). Here is Howard, posing uncomfortably with some of the props we had for the party.

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When toy weapons are involved, somehow Howard is always a target! But we would NEVER hurt him. Howard is just too valuable! (Who would do all those registration reports for us?)

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I cannot explain this photo, but I’m quite sure he’ll kill me for publishing it!

Howard is a doting uncle – he is absolutely in love with Whitney’s baby, Ava . . .

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“Uncle Howie”

When he’s not at his desk capably and efficiently handling our customer’s flight requests, juggling a myriad of booking deadlines, or downloading complicated registration reports, Howard has a special talent. We call him our “Master Baker.” Cookies, cakes, pastries … we are the lucky beneficiaries of his culinary talent!

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(Clockwise from top left) Baklava, Fresh Fruit Tart, Chocolate Earthquake Cookies (my personal favorite), and cupcakes he made for a client presentation about Brazil.

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Howard made a 3-tier Tie-Dye Cake for Gabriel’s 50th birthday last summer, themed to the Summer of ’69.

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By his own admission, Howard’s talents do not extend to pie crust. He’s still working on it! (Howard, please don’t give up on pie-baking! I’ll take apple – thank you very much!)

Somebody with too much time on their hands built a website called “I Miss the Office.” It cleverly replicates typical workplace noises – as paper spits out of a copy machine, the water cooler burps, phones ring, keyboards click, and conversations are muffled. All are familiar and soothing background noise in any office. But where’s the personality? What’s missing is some friendly inter-office bickering and bantering. I never thought I would say this, but something I miss the most during this quarantine is the good-natured sparring and squabbling between Gabriel and Howard that is a constant in at our office!

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These two guys . . . bickering brothers of different mothers!

Gabriel and Howard tease and taunt each other relentlessly. Gabriel is bigger, bolder, and louder. But Howard is strategic and tactical – and doesn’t back down.

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For Gabriel’s birthday one year, Howard baked him a special cake. We all waited expectantly as Gabriel devoured his extra-large slice of cake – waiting for the moment when he bit into the “toenail.” But it never happened. So – did he swallow it? Or did Howard mischievously let him wonder if he swallowed it? Hmmm . . . so who really got the last laugh??   (“It” was a fake toenail – or so he said….)

Howard – you’re the best! We don’t say it often enough, but thank you for everything you do for all of us and for our wonderful customers!

p.s.  Once we’re back together in our office, Gabriel has promised to bake you a cake!



  • Wasy Kushchynskyj April 15, 2020 at 12:28pm

    I really enjoyed having Howard on one of our trips to Spain. He really is a gem! Happy more years with your great team.
    Hugs to all

  • Claudia April 15, 2020 at 12:47pm

    After reading this, I definitely want to be part of your office. Thanks for sharing, and congratulations, Howard!

  • Laurie Benjamin April 15, 2020 at 1:48pm

    Congratulations, Howard! Enjoy your special day, and may God bless you in the coming year!

    Thank you for all of your help!

  • Janet W Smith April 15, 2020 at 2:21pm

    Wow! Love you, Howard, and your brilliant toenail cake! Hang in there, guys; we need you!
    Janet Smith

  • Yvonne Restine April 15, 2020 at 4:22pm

    Happy Anniversary Howard! You are our go-to agent! Thank you for your 12 years of amazing service and smiles! Yvonne and Earl from San Diego County NECA Chapter

  • Ron April 15, 2020 at 5:59pm

    Great chemistry! You built a great team.

  • Susan Rosenberg April 15, 2020 at 7:22pm

    I adore you, Howard, and am forever grateful for your brilliant ly assisting me.

  • Shake’ Kontogiannis April 17, 2020 at 7:36am

    Happy Anniversary Howard! I loved reading this story, you put a big smile on my face at such a crazy times. You are an Amazing team!!! Howard you are a Great Baker, we should partner up and bake together since I Love baking also!!! I can’t wait to see the cake Gabriel will be BAKING!!! You and your team are AWSOME hoping you all get back soon.
    Shake’ Kontogiannis

  • Laurie Rhoads April 18, 2020 at 7:42am

    Oh, I love this! Howard is a real gem! One of my favorite people! Happy Anniversary, Howard!

  • Hilda Haigazian April 18, 2020 at 10:30am

    Happy Anniversary Howard you truly are an amazing, sweet and kind human being.

  • Brian & Donna Elliott April 29, 2020 at 1:54pm

    🎉🎉Happy, happy belated 12th work anniversary Howard! Brian and I both have enjoyed our travels with you. You are very comforting when those travel problems arise. We value our working relationship with you and the entire CTP team. Congrats on being a CTP team member for 12 years and cheers to many more.

    • Donna April 29, 2020 at 1:57pm

      PS – I have been told I make a good apple pie – crust and all. We should talk about recipes some day.

  • Barb Nelson April 30, 2020 at 4:24pm

    Love the pictures! I want to work there…especially on party days!! Fun times, great looking snacks Howard.

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