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Curiosities & Oddities . . . like the statue of the peeing men . . .

WOW! Travel Small Group Travel

WOW! Travel Small Group Travel  I discover the most interesting stuff when I travel. Like this statue in a prominent square in Prague: Two Peeing Men!  If you text your phone number, The Guys will “pee-write” your message in the pool.  Hmmm . . .

Here are a few things I’ve found strange (or interesting or funny) from some random places:


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This is handy for squeezing mayonnaise onto a sandwich – takes far fewer back-and-forth passes to coat your bread slice. . . (from Japan)








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In Cuba, there are now many new (legal) ways for people to earn a living. One guy dressed up his dogs and collected money from every tourist who took their photo.





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And these gas pumps mounted from the ceiling at a gas station in Japan – a very good idea (for saving valuable space).







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What is this?  If you guessed “egg plant,” you’d be correct!












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And what does a visitor to the U.S. find odd? My niece, Seiko, visiting from Japan was fascinated by the LARGE sizes of our products.



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And, finally, in the “did I miss a headline?” department, I had a pair of gas masks in the closet of my room at the 5-star Peace Hotel in Shanghai. Nicely presented in a velvet bag – which was most reassuring!

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  • Diane Bowen August 9, 2013 at 11:43am

    I have a picture with those very cute dogs in Cuba….however, they did not smell as nice as they looked!

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