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If it was good enough for Letterman…

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I’m one of those people who loves “Top Ten” type lists… I loved them on Letterman, I love them on Yelp, I love them on Conde Nast. I thought maybe you might like them, too, so here goes — “Ellen’s Top Ten Places to Go!”


#10 – Petra, Jordan

Carved directly into vibrant red, white, pink, and sandstone cliff faces, the prehistoric Jordanian city of Petra was “lost” to the Western world for hundreds of years. Petra was once a thriving trading center and the capital of the Nabataean empire between 400 B.C. and A.D. 106 and I want to see it! Thanks to a recent episode of “An Idiot Abroad” (a fabulous, guilty pleasure!), Petra got bumped from way down at the bottom of my “must see” list to number 10!

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One of the Seven Wonders of the world!

#9 – Machu Picchu, Peru

Historians believe Machu Picchu was built at the height of the Inca Empire, which dominated western South America in the 15th and 16th centuries. In all honesty, even though it is historically significant, I never really had much desire to see Machu Picchu until I took a required college Anthropology Class. I became fascinated by the advanced civilizations of the Incas – the largest empire in the world in the early 16th century. One of my greatest desires is to see this fascinating site up close and personal someday soon.

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Machu Picchu – another one of the Seven Wonders!

#8 – Vietnam

My sister lived in Asia for 12 years, two of them in Cambodia. During that time she visited Vietnam numerous times – she just couldn’t get enough. Marilyn feels the same way, having fallen in love with the place and the people when she first backpacked through Asia as a young, post-grad. While I’m not a fan of heat and humidity, I’d surely put up with it to experience the sights and sounds of such an exotic place. I am dying to see the terraced rice fields, surrealistic Halong Bay, historical Hoi An, My Son Hindu Sanctuary. Not as beautiful, but equally important to understand world history, I’d like to visit the War Remnants Museum (with graphic displays depicting the Vietnam war) and Hoa Lo Prison Museum (nicknamed the “Hanoi Hilton” by US POWs).

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Terraced rice fields, Yen Bai province, Vietnam.

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Halong Bay – View over iconic limestone mountains.

#7 – Washington, DC

What? A boring, ol’ US city on a travel bucket list? Yes! I have heard nothing but fabulous reviews about our Nation’s capital and I feel like it is a place that I really MUST see. Probably my most compelling reason is to visit the Smithsonian Institute; I hear one really should devote a few days to properly explore this national treasure. And then, of course, there’s the White House and all the fabulous monuments nearby that are not to be missed. On top of that I understand that the dining and live entertainment are second to none. Count me in!

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Our nation’s capital – why haven’t I seen it yet?

#6 – Australia

I know it’s a HUGE country (and continent) with sooo much to see. Of course, I’d like to see it ALL, but I’d start with the Great Barrier Reef. Of course, I’d have to get re-certified for scuba, but that’s a small price to pay to see one of the natural wonders of the world, the world’s largest coral reef that can be seen from space, and home to countless species of marine life. Due to changes in water temperature (many believe this is due to global warming), many miles of the reef are dying; it is essential that we see, appreciate, and preserve this phenomenal natural wonder NOW!

A HUGE part of my visit would include enjoying the gorgeous, pristine beaches of Whitsunday Island, Burleigh Heads, Main Beach Byron Bay, and Bondi Beach (I’ll choose the ones with proven shark fences, thank you!); the fantastic cities of Sydney, Melbourne, Perth, and Adelaide. I’d love to see Uluru (formerly Ayers Rock) – the red center of Australia, too. But the visit won’t be complete until I can coerce a local Australian to say those magical words – “The dingo ate my baby.”

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Iconic Sydney Harbor.

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Uluru – the Red Heart of Australia. And the Great Barrier Reef – Come here fishy fishy!

#5 – Thailand

My 21 year old daughter recently went to Thailand with her cousin and backpacked around for a month – girls after my own heart. I saw her photos of pristine beaches, exotic cities, and beautiful people. And then she told me about the prices… a clean, modest hotel room for $20 a night, a one hour, full body massage for $7, a four-course gourmet meal for two for $17. SOLD! Sign me up for a trip to Thailand!

And then, the icing on the cake – I could visit the Patara Elephant Farm and snuggle and cuddle a baby elephant! We’ve all seen this video on Facebook, right? Yeah, I want to be that girl!

#4 – South Africa (well, the southern half of Africa)

I figure if I was going to go all the way to South Africa, I’d pack as much in as possible:

Rwanda – to see the Mountain Gorillas. There are only 480 known to exist in the wild; I’ve got to see them before they’re gone! Besides, tourism is funding efforts to protect them. So, you see, it’s not just a desire, it’s a moral obligation!

Kenya, Tanzania, Botswana? – wherever I can go on a safari and see African wildlife in their natural surroundings – no cages, no fences – just wildlife being free and wild.

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Animals, animals, animals… I can’t get enough!

Zambia – Victoria Falls because, well, it’s Victoria Falls! Only one of the most spectacular natural wonders on earth! Victoria Falls is twice the height of Niagara Falls and twice the width of Horseshoe Falls. It is only rivaled by Iguazu Falls in Argentina and Brazil – look for that one on Ellen’s Top Ten Places to Go, Volume II!

Capetown and Robben Island – I recently read Trevor Noah’s “Born a Crime;” it renewed my interest in South Africa and the history of apartheid. I want to see where Nelson Mandela spent most of his prison time – Robben Island. I also want to see Table Mountain and the spectacular coastline and natural beauty of this majestic land with such a sordid history.

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What depicts South Africa better than Victoria Falls and Cape Town?

#3 – Morocco

My desire to visit Morocco began in 1981 when I saw Morocco (I think it was actually Tunisia, but I thought it was Morocco!) featured in Indiana Jones Raiders of the Lost Ark. I loved the excitement and exotic chaotic feel of the marketplace. Then, this year, I became obsessed with the tv show “90 Day Fiance (it’s a fabulous guilty pleasure!);” one of the reality show cast was from Morocco and they filmed there.  And just last week Marilyn’s blog was about a corporate group that she took to Marrakesh, Morocco – that cemented the deal… I gotta’ go to Morocco – STAT!

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Gate to ancient medina of Fez, Morocco.

#2 – Costa Rica

Who can’t appreciate a country that decided to do away with their army and put that portion of the budget toward education and care of their people? Their people are one their hottest commodities – always happy and smiling – these are the people who created the zipline for goodness sake; what’s not to love?

I want to explore the gorgeous beaches, volcanoes, hot springs, coffee plantations, and rain forests. I want to zipline, go white water rafting, ride horses, snorkel, beach walk, sunbathe, and visit wildlife preserves. There is nothing about Costa Rica that doesn’t seem right up my alley!

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I wanna snuggle with THIS guy (maybe slip some mittens on him first!).

#1 – Croatia

Seems like everywhere I look and go I hear or see something about Croatia! I feel like it’s the new “it” place. Marilyn and Gabriel are cruising along the coast of Croatia this summer with The WOW! Travel Club… maybe that’s why I’ve been fixated on it. From what I understand, it has gorgeous weather, crystal clear water, historic cities, spectacular natural beauty, ancient ruins, picturesque scenery, and friendly people – not yet spoiled by massive touristry… for now! Come May I’ll be crossing THIS one off my list. I’ll let you know if it’s everything I hope it will be.

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Plitvice – Croatia, a piece of heaven.

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I’ll be seeing you soon, Dubrovnik!


  • Pilar March 17, 2017 at 8:18pm

    Croatia, Morocco and Costa Rica are on my list too…someday, hopefully sooner rather than later

    • Ellen March 20, 2017 at 10:35pm

      You know how time slips away… better start planning now!

  • Cindi March 17, 2017 at 8:27pm

    Great list. I’m in!

    • Michael Day March 17, 2017 at 10:49pm

      Great job, Ellen! You’ve highlighted some of this planet’s most intriguing and satisfying destinations…and I heartily agree with each of your recommendations.

      • Ellen March 20, 2017 at 10:36pm

        Thanks, Michael!

    • Ellen March 20, 2017 at 10:41pm

      Thanks, Cindi!

  • Jill Stoliker March 18, 2017 at 5:07pm

    I got stuck on the baby cuddling video, watching it over and over! I had the pleasure of petting an baby whale on a WOW trip with Marilyn in Baja. I would have jumped in the water to cuddle it, but Momma Whale and Marilyn discouraged me! Croatia is my #1 also, I am anticipating the trip with WOW Travel this summer.

    • JulieFranz March 18, 2017 at 10:52pm

      So happy you are going to Croatia this summer, Jill! We are going, too!

    • Ellen March 20, 2017 at 10:38pm

      I know what you mean, Jill! I must’ve watched that video a dozen times! And “cuddling” baby whales in Baja is probably #11. It’s definitely a “must do!”

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