Summer vacation is one of America’s greatest traditions.
It’s mid-August already. Where did the summer go? My grandkids in Florida are already back in school.
Hope you had a chance to go to the beach, or the lake, or the mountains. Or, at the very least – to enjoy an afternoon snooze in a comfy hammock in your back yard!
Here’s a few summertime vacation photos from the internet . . .
Ouch! I guess you call this a “Croc Tan”?
And then there’s those darn selfie sticks. Starting to be banned in many places . . .
. . . such as certain National Forests!
What can you say . . . boys will be boys!
Got milk?
Did the sign say, “Swim With the Polar Bears?”
Gives a whole new meaning to the term, “gotta take a whizz . . .” -or- “when you really, really gotta go!”
Comments? How DID you spend your summer vacation?
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