~ by guest-blogger, Ellen Gruetzmacher
It was 1981 and my best friend, Shelley, and I had been excitedly planning our senior trip to celebrate graduation from Santa Ynez Valley Union High. While Shelley’s folks were giving her the Mexican Riviera cruise as a graduation gift, I was working two jobs and finishing school; fantasizing about running into the likes of Gopher, Isaac, and Captain Stubing – or meeting the man of my dreams on the Love Boat!
Round about February Shelley informs me that her boyfriend does not want her to go on a cruise without him, so she cancels on me. Determined that I was going to go SOMEWHERE (ANYWHERE) out of tiny Solvang, I set off to the travel agent’s office to get some ideas. Once I walked through the door and greeted Tammy, she said, “I’ve got the perfect trip for you!”
In only a couple month’s time, I was off to Innsbruck, Austria for spring break. I spent two weeks with fun, like-minded travelers who were all UCSB (Univ. California Santa Barbara) alumni. We skied the slopes of the 1976 Olympics, rocketed down the Olympic bobsled run, ate Bratwurst and Spatzle, sipped Gluhwein, and took Eurail trips to Munich, Italy, and Switzerland. I was absolutely in AWE that there could be so many different languages, currencies, and experiences in such a small radius. For this small-town 17-year-old girl, this was as exotic a destination as I had ever experienced and I wanted MORE – SO MUCH MORE!
Next best thing to training for the Olympics!
Four years later I would further indulge that travel bug by embarking on a three and a half month tour of Europe – solo! I met amazing travelers from all over the world and we all fed off each others’ energy and excitement of the travel experience. At one point I rented a car with a few gals from Australia (geez those Ozzies are a hoot!) and drove up through England and Scotland for a week, then set off on my own to explore more of Europe. Aside from our rental car going up in a ball of flames just outside Heathrow Airport (that’s a whole other blog post!), the trip was nothing but fun-filled adventures: Night trains with interesting characters, chance encounters with Italian celebrities, lounging on the beach in the south of France, scootering around Athens, climbing the steps to the cliff-side monastery in Greece, walking through the ruins of Pompeii, drinking steins of beer with large men in lederhosen at Oktoberfest, hiking through the lush green valleys beneath the glaciers in Switzerland, cruising the redlight district in Amsterdam, doing shots of Ouzo with old Greek men on the ferry to Mykonos, meandering through the Coliseum in Rome, and on and on and on.
Memories of my solo European adventure
All-in-all, I saw 11 countries; ate foods tastier than I had ever dreamed; saw iconic sites that I had only seen in movies and books; learned about religions, people, and cultures very different from my own; traveled on every form of transportation known to man (well, almost); and experienced natural beauty that touched me deeply… basically, my life had been completely transformed.
Fast forward to August 2015
As fate would have it, I was introduced to Marilyn through a mutual friend; it was an immediate connection. Within a couple months, I became part of the amazing CTP Group team. I couldn’t believe my fate… moving to southern California (a place I’d always wanted to live) AND working for a travel company!! However, much to my chagrin, I was told – in no uncertain terms – when I was hired as Marilyn’s Executive Assistant, “this is not a travel position.” I was told that it may be a challenge to control travel envy when my co-workers would return from some exotic destination with stories and photos.
For the next year, I patiently watched my co-workers travel the world: Italy, Greece, Argentina, the UK, Southeast Asia, Amsterdam, the Caribbean… and I kept my envy in check.
This past August, we all met at Marilyn’s house for an off-site meeting. Marilyn had recently received her cancer diagnosis and she and Gabriel felt a need for reassignment of tasks and/or roles. We had each completed a questionnaire to determine our likes and dislikes, goals and desires; it was Marilyn and Gabriel’s way of determining the best fit for each of us. Of course, I held nothing back and expressed my desire to travel – wherever they wanted to send me: international or domestic, it didn’t matter to me!
At that meeting, Gabriel summarized each employee’s answers to the questionnaires. To be perfectly honest, I can’t remember a lot of what was said at that meeting, as everything else seemed muted compared to Gabriel’s words: “And Ellen will be assisting on the program to India.”
Stay tuned for Part Two – “Ellen Goes to India”
Copyright 2025 WOW! Travel. All Rights Reserved.
Theresa Beaver November 18, 2016 at 7:44pm
Good post, Ellen. I’m looking forward to ‘going to India’ with you next week.
Ellen Gruetzmacher November 18, 2016 at 11:36pm
Thanks, Theresa! I learned from the best. Can’t wait to take you to India with me next week! 🙂
Jill Stoliker November 18, 2016 at 8:00pm
A teaser, “burning car” AND a cliff hanger “Ellen Goes to India”. I can’t wait to hear more. It is obvious that you have a talent for writing, like our Marilyn. Oh the suspense!
Ellen Gruetzmacher November 18, 2016 at 11:37pm
Tehe. Glad you liked the burning car teaser – that was Marilyn’s idea. Although that burning car story IS true. And thanks for the kind words. I take my writing comparison to Marilyn’s as very high praise. Thank you!
Julie Franz November 19, 2016 at 1:20am
You are right about that, Jill!
Teresa Whitney November 18, 2016 at 9:42pm
Great blog post…..leaves us wanting to hear more and more of your adventures!!
Ellen Gruetzmacher November 18, 2016 at 11:40pm
Thanks, Teresa. Hopefully, there will be many more adventures to come… and share.
Beth Oslander November 19, 2016 at 5:26pm
Oh Ellen! I felt like I was reading my own blog! As a fellow world traveler from the ripe age of 18 after high school and a past employee of CTP and Marilyn still standing as my favorite boss and dream employer ever- I get it!
I too sent myself off to Europe after working years during high school to save up for it. My 6 month adventure with my two friends changed my life! From living and sleeping on beaches, train stations and ferries to ouzos with the Greeks to jumping off bridges into rivers in Switzerland to picking figs off trees in Sicily and picking raisins for extra $ to meeting boys and natural springs in Italy and roaming the streets of Paris- my stories are plentiful and truly changed my life! The travel bug never leaves you so congrats on your trip to India and I hope there’s more to come for you!
Ellen Gruetzmacher November 21, 2016 at 7:03pm
Sounds like we are kindred spirits, Beth! I would have loved running into the likes of you back in the day.
Beth oslander November 19, 2016 at 5:34pm
Btw- it was the summer of 1985! Perhaps we crossed paths in England, France,Switzerland, Greece, Italy, Germany or Austria? Did you meet the two American girls who had been traveling for over 2 years and was selling the potion that removed ink on the Eurorail pass? We did! The intention was 2.5 months before college started but I decided to skip the first semester and stay 6 months!
Ellen Gruetzmacher November 21, 2016 at 7:04pm
I was in Europe in the fall of 1984, so we missed each other by just a matter of months!
Jane Halsey November 23, 2016 at 6:04pm
Well written and wanted to read about the solo trip to Europe as well. No mistaking you ended up at exactly the right company for you. Kindred spirits for sure.
Happy Thanksgiving.
Ellen Gruetzmacher November 24, 2016 at 12:04am
Thanks, Jane! Yes, felt like I landed right where I supposed to – CTP! A match made in heaven, for sure!