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Managing Memories and Seizing the “Someday” Project

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I am a camera buff. I have boxes and boxes of photos, plus dozens of digital albums on my laptop, a camera roll on my iPhone, backups on two external hard drives and a account on The Cloud.

And that’s not counting the video clips I’ve taken over the years. Nor the family photos and memorabilia and old correspondence I inherited when my father (who was also a camera buff) passed away eight years ago. Yikes!

Organizing my media was going to be a “someday” project to work on when I am old and gray and retired . . .

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Sweet Seiko


Several weeks ago, my younger brother – who has lived in Japan for 20+ years, spent a week here with his teenage daughter. Ron and Seiko have made annual summertime visits to the U.S. (visiting me in California and other family in Michigan) since Seiko attended “The Murphy Millenium Reunion” in December of 1999 when she was only three months old. For her upcoming 14th birthday, I decided to create a photo book: “Seiko’s Great California Adventures.”


“Someday” was Monday. Appropriately, it was a laborious project for this past Labor Day.

Older and grayer? Yes. Retired? Not a chance!


I’ve got a long way to go before I get it completely organized, but here’s what I learned so far in the process of sorting, sifting, editing, labeling and remembering:

1) I take too many photos. I delete too few photos.

2) I used to be quite skinny – but never thought so at the time.  (Oh … how I wish …)

3) I am a certifiable cat person.

4) I don’t think I look a LOT older than I did decades ago, but I am probably in serious denial.

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Give me a bonnet, and I’ll put it on!

5) Photos without people are often meaningless.

6) Video cameras were monstrous back in the day.

7) Give me a hat and I can be quite the ham.

8) I am missing a precious batch of photos from Seiko’s visit when she was 7, during her “pink” phase. We built a cardboard playhouse from a refrigerator box, painted it bubble gum pink, added curtains at the windows and enjoyed many hours of fun. I took her shopping at Ross Dress-for-Less and bought her nearly every pink thing they had in the store. She played dress-up with my clothes, jewelry and shoes … and I have the most ADORABLE photos …. somewhere! (And I cannot put the photo book together without pictures from that memorable summer!!)

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Dad’s photo album, circa 1939


9)  I should have labeled and dated every photo – like my Dad did with these old photos from 1939.

10)  When I was born (a loooong time ago), the total cost for my mother’s 5-night stay in a private room at St. Mary’s Hospital in Saginaw, Michigan was a whopping $127.25. And I think I’m worth every penny!  😉

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Hospital statement from my grand entry into the world!





  • Marion Miller September 6, 2013 at 6:14am

    Dear M.. Loved this journey back in time… and little Seiko is absolutely beautiful, you will be a proud auntie. Hugs from here.. M

  • Joyce Walters September 6, 2013 at 6:50am

    Marilyn…you are precious!!! I can sooo relate to your photo memories blog…and love that you are such a photo nut and ” ham”. You really do get the best photos…and because you are so darned cute, the photos with you in them, are FABULOUS!!! I LOVE the photo of you and the 2 old women smoking cigars…

    Keep the blogs coming…we love them!

    Joyce (and Don) Walters — of the NECA group…now retired and into other things. Hope to travel with you again one of these days.

  • Diane Bowen September 6, 2013 at 9:28am

    MM: And here I thought at the bottom you were going to tell me how you put 14 years of Seiko’s California Adventures into a great photo album all on Labor Day!! Thought I would see something like your great Cuba album!!

    I actually once started putting the IATJ group pictures onto a flash drive, so I could take 1-3 good pictures from my “old” albums and create a photo book of 25 years of trip pictures……I got 5 years done……by the time I do it all the early travelers will be dead….but I guess it will be for me! Diane

  • Jill Stoliker September 6, 2013 at 10:13am

    Thank you for the humor and lessons of the sorting, sifting, editing, labeling, and most importantly, the “remembering” process! It can be a “roller-coaster ride” of emotions, but the memories make it all worthwhile.

  • Helene Volkman September 6, 2013 at 3:16pm

    Can’t believe Seiko is 14 already! I, also, have hundreds opf photos in albums, boxes and on the computer (have to start deleting some). I use the photos to use in making birthday and anniversary cards for the family. Just made a DVD for Granddaughter Lindsay to document her growing up through becoming a lawyer. You’ve always been a great photographer, Marilyn, so I know it’s hard to delete any.


  • Corrine Draper September 7, 2013 at 7:53am

    Dear Marilyn, you have one of the best blogs around. I love your pictures, your thoughts, and how you put everything together so beautifully to share. Thank you for sharing, caring and giving so much of you.
    P.S. You weren’t born THAT long ago. 🙂

  • Ron Murphy September 7, 2013 at 9:26pm



    I agree …

    – Photos with people are usually best.
    – I don’t think I look 10 years older than 10 years ago… until I look at photos from 10 years ago.
    – I now date pretty much everything! — photos, notes, ….
    – I’ll search for those other pink house photos. (go down that ‘black hole’ but gotta be done at some point)
    – I’m a dog person but miss our cat.
    – $127??? I bet I cost at least $165! So THERE!

    ps – give me a lampshade, and I can be quite the ham.

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