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My Big, Hairy, Audacious Dream

WOW! Travel Small Group Travel


I have a dream.

I haven’t shared it much. It’s pretty big and audacious. Embarrassing, even. So I’ve mostly kept it to myself, lest I fall short and look foolish.

But I’m feeling a sense of urgency that I’ve never felt before. If I’m gonna do this thing, I better start now. I better get it out there.

I’ve always been challenged by Marianne Williamson’s quote, which I am personalizing here:

“My deepest fear is not that I am inadequate. My deepest fear is that I am powerful beyond measure. It is my light, not my darkness that most frightens me. I ask myself, ‘Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?’ Actually, who am I not to be?  I am a child of God. My playing small does not serve the world.”

Within the last couple of weeks, I’ve had a number of synergistic experiences that are pushing me, prodding me – whacking me alongside the head to find the courage to go public with this grandiose dream of mine. My reactions – and the questions they raised – added clarity and fortitude. Like pieces of kindling feeding the fire in my belly. I’m taking a risk to try to articulate it all in this blog posting. Maybe it’ll make sense to you, the reader. I sincerely hope so.

  • In Charleston, SC last week, I attended a business conference for authors about how to market and position oneself as an “authority” in your field of endeavor. I am not-quite-an-author, but I am writing a memoir. It will be published. The goal of my book? To inspire (and challenge) Americans to travel beyond their comfortable, insulated, isolated bubble — to go someplace “foreign” in order to learn, connect and come home with greater appreciation and empathy for people in the developing world.
  • One of the principal speakers at this event was a guy who reminded me of a teacher I had in a salesmanship class in college who was sexist, pompous and self-righteous. However, with an open mind (and clenched jaw), I listened because his ideas and opinions are highly valued by people I respect and admire. One significant take-away for me (as one who yearns to be popular) is to take a stand for what I believe – knowing that some people will disapprove or take offense. “Those people,” he explained, “Are not your tribe. Don’t concern yourself with them. They don’t matter.”
  • On a balmy Wednesday evening in Charleston, I walked down Calhoun Street, past the Mother Emanuel AME Church where nine people were murdered in cold blood during a prayer service by a white supremacist. And I wondered, “How could anyone harbor so much hate?”
  • Two nights later, during a layover at Charlotte Airport, I saw the chilling TV coverage of the cold-blooded murders in Paris by Islamic supremacists. Once again I wondered, “How could anyone harbor so much hate?”
  • Over the weekend, I noted the Facebook tributes, the non-stop media sensationalism and our collective horror over the killings in Paris. Justified, for sure, but why was there no coverage or outrage about ISIS killings and carnage in Beirut, Baghdad, Ankara or Nairobi . . . or any of the other places that are more “foreign” to Americans?
  • And why, I wondered, do we react with such fervor and furor over the killing of 100+ people in Paris, when there are about that many deaths in this country from gun violence every single day?
  • On Sunday night I saw Suffragette, a film about the British women’s rights movement of the early 20th century. The lead character is a young woman who is reluctantly drawn into the movement, courageously risking everything for a cause she believes in. And I wondered, “Would I have had such courage back then? Do I have such courage now?”
  • Since the terror in Paris, Americans are taking sides on the Syrian immigration issue. I’m furious, though not surprised, at how vitriolic is the rhetoric by those who shout, “Keep ’em out!”  “How could anyone be so heartless?” And I wonder, “Have they ever traveled out of this country?” I’m guessing not.
  • I’m embarrassed at Americans’ collective ignorance about Islam. And I realized, to my dismay, that I don’t have a personal relationship with any Muslims in this country. I have resolved to change this and learn more about their culture and customs.
  • I wonder, “When and where will it happen next? How will my business be affected? How will the livelihoods of my industry friends be impacted by the fear and paranoia that paralyze Americans every time ‘stuff happens’?”

I’m feeling all jumbled up and messy. I’m feeling frantic and desperate to do more, to do something, to make a bigger impact – to play a bigger game . . .

There’s a battle raging inside me. One moment I’m feeling courageous and fearless and ready to change the world. And then another voice chimes in – timid, but equally powerful: “But I’m just one person. How can one person make a significant difference? How could I – a small-town girl with modest ambitions – make much of a difference?”

WOW! Travel Small Group Travel

And how can I possibly do anything to alter American myopia and intolerance that is a logical consequence of:

  • our geography – with limited physical connection to “foreign” countries
  • our size and diversity – with many options within our own geographic boundaries
  • our media – with their narrow coverage of global events that perpetuates fear and distrust
  • our language – which is so widely spoken that we need not learn another
  • our economic and military power – which fosters a belief in our supremacy, our “exceptionalism”

How can I turn that ship around? Will people listen? Will they get pissed if I challenge their assumptions and their prejudice? If I build it, will they come?

And in the next moment, I feel emboldened – like the character in the Suffragette movie – to use my talents to influence and create change. What I CAN do is offer more opportunities for Americans to connect and learn about people that they assume are different. I can spread my gospel. I can finish my book. I can make speeches. I can risk being unpopular. I CAN do this!

My customers tell me that I’m already doing it. They remind me that I’ve created opportunities and travel experiences that have enriched and changed their lives.

Rick Steves, in a book I wish I had written, Travel as a Political Act, writes, “Travel connects people with people. It helps us fit more comfortably and compatibly into a shrinking world, and it inspires creative new solutions to persistent problems facing our nation. We can’t understand our world without experiencing it.”

My mission is – and always has been – to design and deliver extraordinary travel experiences to educate, enlighten, embolden and “wow” people! But no more playing small. This is no time for timidity. I want to serve the world in a significant way. I intend to achieve my big, hairy, audacious dream of lifting consciousness and creating peace on our planet – one traveler at a time.

That’s my story, and I’m sticking to it. What’s your reaction? 

Agree? Respectfully disagree? (If so, please be gentle . . . thank you.)




  • Cheryl Gelbmann November 20, 2015 at 2:52pm

    Terrorists want our fears to control us. You have helped so many of us step out of comfort zones so why not shout it out! Jim and I never thought of going to Turkey but we trusted you and your skills! You go girl!!

  • Sonja November 20, 2015 at 2:58pm

    Love it! I can’t wait to hear where this goes. We will be with you and following you on your journey (and hopefully with you on many more trips)!

  • Jane Halsey November 20, 2015 at 4:56pm

    Bless you for having the courage to step out and share all of this, the dreams and the fears that keep us small. I too am shocked at our response as a country and trying to understand its roots. These are good questions and a good process for all of us. You go girl! I love your honesty and courage Marilyn. In truth it will all organically unfold.

  • Kathleen Barry November 20, 2015 at 5:46pm


    I have travelled outside America – to mostly western countries – except for Israel – which is pretty Western but unfortunately located in the middle of a complicated area. We certainly know about the long history of suicide bombers that Israel has endured for decades. We also wonder about the plight of the Palestinians – is a two state solution the best approach – will it solve the problem? So I think Americans struggle to understand the complicated issues that others outside of our domain confront on a more regular basis.

    As a liberal thinker however I DO think we in the west need to be careful about who is crossing our borders under the guise of refugee – clearly an event that occurred with at least one of last week’s terrorists. My thoughts: Keep an open mind, be generous AND realistic – these are different times. I depend on our various governmental agencies to monitor who is coming and going through airports, inside cars and on foot at border crossings. I don’t think there were cases of terrorists on the ships filled with Jewish refugees who were turned away by America during WWII. No doubt there is an inherited guilt surriunding that horrific decision. The terrorists who took down the World Trade Centers were allowed in this country under false pretenses. We may be a seemingly big kid on the block – a Goliath – and we all know what happened to that mythical giant. Keep calm and be aware.


    Kathleen Barry

  • Melissa Smith November 20, 2015 at 6:19pm

    Applauding, cheering. Travel is one way. Honoring individual differences is another. We share a common goal. As do many others. We can do this!

  • Julie Franz November 20, 2015 at 6:59pm

    Marilyn, I am confident you can do anything you set out to do, and I wholly support you in your mission. I agree that you have already been doing this, and I, too, trust you enough to follow you any place you go!

  • Linda Rizzotto November 20, 2015 at 8:38pm

    You educate each of your travelers whether it be in the US or abroad. We are fortunate that you have the courage to travel to so many unforgiving destinations. Be proud, stand up and shout loud because you are DOING, (maybe to you on a small scale) but nonetheless DOING! You go girl!

  • Connie November 20, 2015 at 9:08pm


  • Cynthia Sawtell November 20, 2015 at 10:32pm

    I am with you, Marilyn. What really concerns me is the politicians who are once again stirring up fear in the public by conflating Islamic extremists with the refugee crisis. This is a grossly misleading and ignorant position to take. The US does an excellent job of screening and vetting refugees we take in, careful to the point of not being able to really respond to the scope of this current crisis. And our media should do a much better job of challenging these fears.

    One fake passport among ½ million immigrants does not justify the mean spirited response we are seeing right now.

    The families descending on Europe from Iraq, Syria and Afganistan are fleeing the very chaos and extreme violence we abhor. They are seeking some kind of sane future for themselves and their children. Imagine how desperate you would have to be to leave your home and venture out on foot with only what you can carry to a land where you don’t speak the language or understand the culture, and to throw yourself on the mercy of total strangers there! Where is our compassion???

    And what is our responsibility for having created this instability in their homelands (Iraq and, by extension, Syria) to begin with?

    The children who have been out of school for 3 or 4 years have been dealt a serious setback. What kind of future will they have? What kind of
    counseling are they receiving to help them process the horrors they have witnessed?

    There are other constructive ways Americans could help our friends in Europe cope with all of these families. Another option would be to pour $$ and volunteers into refugee camps, to help set up clinics, schools and invest in small business loans to help the refugee bakers set up shop baking, refugee construction workers build temporary housing, refugee educators teach classes, refugee barbers set up barber shops, refugee grocers set up small grocery shops and refugee accountants keep the books. In other words, create a viable (and hopefully temporary) new home for these people where they are safe and can get back to living a quasi-normal life.

    If the western countries can’t help these families get settled quickly, get the men to work and the kids back in school, I worry that we will have been complicit in creating the next generation of terrorists.

    Of course, we have to contain and degrade ISIL. And we have to get a political solution in Syria and Iraq that will stabilize things there as quickly as possible. The sooner that happens, the sooner most of these refugees will return home.

    But meanwhile, we need to be compassionate in helping Europe deal with all of the refugee families. Every dollar we’d spend in this way would probably make us twice as safe in the future as the equivalent amount spent on bombs.

  • Mary Jo November 20, 2015 at 10:56pm

    Marilyn, your dream is beautiful and viable. By believing this dream most of your life you have made a difference and will continue to make a difference wherever you go. I believe that most people here do not hate people who live in different countries. I believe the fear is not about these people, but the fear of a government that will not protect them. Never stop believing and stay strong enough to stand up for what you believe. Heck, that is one of the reasons you are loved so much and by so many!
    Hugs and Misses

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