NOTE: If you didn’t read last week’s blog post, this one will make no sense at all. In that case, click here to read that one first.
It’s called Poop!
The blogs I publish to my WOW! Travel Club website are dedicated to sharing stories about my journeys. This particular journey was unexpected. And, while I love surprises and taking roads-less-travelled, I hadn’t quite counted on this detour!
The blessings, joys, unexpected consequences and silver linings have been profound. In this post, I’ll share some of them with you. Thanks for reading!
My husband, Scott, has the dubious privilege of reading the final draft of my blog every Thursday night – usually very late at night. He’s a great editor, a walking dictionary and always suggests great titles. I was going to title it “A Slight Change of Plans,” but his suggestion: Poop! was absolutely perfect. Only trouble is that, for some people, Poop went straight to their Spam folder!
It does make for an interesting display on my inbox when I sort by title!
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And, there’s a funny story about poop (or at least I think it’s funny). Since I was not in Europe and therefore able to spend unexpected time with my stepkids and grandkids (more on that below), we ended up in Venice Beach on Sunday afternoon. After a long and fun day, I was walking back to my car when I spotted a mannequin at one of those sidewalk t-shirt shops. They customized a shirt just for me!
Mannequin – and me with my custom-made shirt! Everybody’s doin’ the ‘wow’ pose!
My beautiful family which I don’t see often enough: Bryce, Sandy (even the devil is attracted to her), Danny and fearless Becca – holding an Albino Python from Burma.
Decisions, decisions. What to wear to the initial appointment with my gyno/oncologist? I wanted to make a good first impression – and let her know that I am not my CT scan. I’m a healthy, vibrant woman with places to go and stuff to do!
So I pulled out one of my favorite dresses in my spring colors, custom-made for me in one of my favorite places, HoiAn, Vietnam. Because I have a dream to go back to India in November, I put on a little gold elephant necklace I bought there. And, symbolically, the traditional Irish Claddagh design of my earrings was a perfect choice: the hands represent friendship, the heart represents love and the crown represents loyalty. I looked like a million bucks!
And, since I am enrolling everyone in my journey, I bought a 2-pound box of See’s chocolates and affixed my photo to the top of the box with a note, thanking my medical “dream team” in advance of the excellent care I know I will be receiving.
Making a good first impression; the jewelry is significant; note that I affixed to a 2-pound box of See’s chocolate
Another blessing – I have excellent insurance coverage. Aside from routine check-ups and tests, (and a couple of recent fractures), I’ve never really tested the Kaiser system. I must say, on a scale from 1 to 10, I’d rate them a 12! Everyone – and I mean everyone – who we encountered this week gave us the “CTP treatment:” courteous, caring, competent and quick.
For example, Gwendolyn, the affable woman who checked me in for my appointment had several certificates prominently placed in on the wall above her computer terminal, commending her for 45 years of service with Kaiser.
“Forty-five years! You don’t look old enough to have been here 45 years,” I remarked.
“Thanks, sweetie,” she laughed. “Kaiser has been really, really good to me.”
“Well, that’s good news. If they take good care of you, that means that y’all will take good care of me!”
“You betcha!” she said brightly.
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Always a positive indicator: they have a good selection of magazine titles in the waiting room, but every appointment was was so fast, I never had time to read any of them!
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I don’t believe in coincidence. My doctors at Kaiser on Sunset are Axtell and Avila. The doctor who is overseeing my case file is Dr Ziebell. So, I’m covered from “A” to “Z!”
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They even validated our parking! How great is that? Now, if they could only do something about the traffic on the Hollywood Freeway . . .
Last week, I recounted the story of how Gabriel rose to the challenge and jetted off to Europe to take over for me to operate a program for a beloved association client with whom I started doing business in 1989. There was never a doubt that Howard, who had been collaborating with me on this project from the start, and Gabriel – who was jumping in with less than six hours’ notice – would pull it off perfectly without me.
But these two are like bickering sisters. They are constantly squabbling, which causes us girls no shortage of laughs. If they hadn’t already done a series about the Office, CTP could be a sequel to that crew from Dunder-Mifflin Paper Company. Case in point – this email from Gabriel:
Subject: HR Complaint
Dear CTP Group HR Department,
I, Gabriel Haigazian, a long time & good-standing employee of The CTP Group would like to officially lodge a complaint and open an investigation about the happenings between previously stated employee (me) and a Mr. Howard Lawrence Wise, also employed by The CTP Group.
I just completed a detailed Skype call with Mr. Wise, which lasted well over an hour. During the course of that conversation, I was called the following:
1) #2
2) The “Help”
3) Staff
And I’ve been assigned a room the size of a shoe box. I have 6 pair of shoes (and oversized feet). Please tell me – what am I supposed to do?
I have no choice but to go on a 24-hour work strike, or, until such time as work conditions improve. I thought about going on a hunger strike but I can’t. I’m in Belgium; they invented chocolate.
I shall await word from HR about how to proceed with this matter. I thank you for your attention and your deep concern for my well being.
Gabriel Haigazian, Vice President Operations
Gabriel texted me a video of the group at their final night dinner in Amsterdam – which I had planned down to the most minute detail. I’ve got many years of history with these folks – and I have to ‘wow’ them each and every time. I broke down bawling when I heard the President of the association lead the group in a prayer – for me!
“She’s precious to all of us. My prayer would be for her to have a fast recovery. I don’t want to cast a pall on it, but I want us all to keep warm thoughts for her. Enjoy the evening, which she worked so hard to create – and as you know she would want.”
OMG . . . ! What an incredible blessing is this!
I detest graffiti, but saw the one of the most profound statements scrawled on the side of a building in downtown Ljubljana, Slovenia several years ago. It read, “Coincidence is God’s way of getting you to pay attention.”
Last week, I wrote about my puzzlement on imagining a Nerf ball, of all things, when the doctor read the dimensions of the tumor as recorded on the CAT scan. On Saturday, I went to the Anaheim Convention Center to have lunch with my step-daughter, Sandy, who was attending her company’s conference. She is a Distributor for LifeVantage, which sells an all-natural nutritional supplement called Protandim. After lunch, I sat through part of an educational presentation by one of the company’s medical experts, explaining how the product reduces oxidative stress through, “NRF activation.”
Hmmmmm . . . coincidence?
I have surgery scheduled for this coming Wednesday. While I have always feared O.P.C. (other people’s cancer), I have no fear of my own. I feel strong and resolute in the knowledge that this manifestation is an opportunity to slow down and take time to do some of the things I’ve been talking about doing for years. “I’ll finish my memoir . . . one of these days. I’ll start a yoga practice . . . one of these days. I’ll launch my charitable foundation . . . one of these days.”
“Some day” is here!
Thank you in advance for your well wishes and care. I ask this: whatever nice thing you want to do for me – extend that kindness to a stranger. Whatever casserole you were going to bring over for us to put in our freezer – give to a food bank. Whatever you might have spent on flowers – contribute to my favorite charity, Dining for Women. Thanks for spreading goodness – it makes my heart happy.
There’s a blessing in this – and I know it.
NOTE: I won’t be posting any more news about my health on this WOW! Travel Club website. I’ve created a personal website for future updates, insights and musings about this profound journey I’m on. If you’re interested, follow along on Not much there yet – but I have LOTS of incredible stories to share and plans to reveal! ~ Namaste, Marilyn
Copyright 2025 WOW! Travel. All Rights Reserved.
Jane Halsey July 15, 2016 at 5:23pm
YOU lift my spirits, open my heart and inspire me with who you are! I know you are well and sailing through this uplifting everyone you touch with this. I will make a donation to Dining for Women and want you to know I thought about kindness with others after the last post and it went with me throughout the day.
You are my hero Marilyn Murphy.
And Gabriel – why bring shoes when you know you will buy more on the trip!
Marilyn July 15, 2016 at 6:44pm
Wow – you’re an angel and fellow advocate in my “let’s inspire goodness” campaign! Love your passion. Hugs to you!
Audrey Larson July 15, 2016 at 11:40pm
Right now I am still laughing at your remarkable T shirt. An angel with a highly evolved sense of humor and love of Life must be your muse. When we put limited beliefs out of the way the things that show up- one miracle at a time. Thank you for bringing out a greater expression of the Infinite for all to share. I know that everything necessary to the full and complete expression for boundless health and joy is revealed as Beloved Marilyn.
Ellen Borowka July 15, 2016 at 5:24pm
We will be thinking of you with lots of love! Dana & Ellen
Marilyn July 15, 2016 at 6:45pm
Love you, too!!!!!! We must get together – it’s been too long!
Cindy Medrow Silingardi July 15, 2016 at 5:36pm
I will be thinking about you Marilyn !!! I know you will kick cancer’s ASS . I love reading your blogs and share all your journeys with my 19 year old travel bug ! Every Friday when I see your blog in my inbox I think about my dad – he would be so proud of you and all you’ve done ! Much Love !!
Marilyn July 16, 2016 at 4:15am
Cindy – thanks. I loved your Dad so much, and am so grateful that he gave me such a wonderful opportunity. (Of course I didn’t think much of his offer at the time!). Glad you’ve got another travel bug in the family!
Patty McNeel July 15, 2016 at 5:38pm
Prayers to you Marilyn!
Marilyn July 16, 2016 at 5:29pm
Thanks, Patty. I’ll take ’em all!
Julie Franz July 15, 2016 at 5:49pm
Thank you for this post, Marilyn. You are an inspiration to us all!!! I’m so glad you feel good about your Dream Team! I know you will make the most of this new “opportunity” that has come your way! And we will all be with you cheering you on and praying for a fast and easy recovery.💕🙏🏻👍
Marilyn July 15, 2016 at 6:41pm
Thanks – it’s so nice to have SO much support! Hugs to you and Bob.
Pamela M July 15, 2016 at 6:26pm
I loved that dress when I first saw you twirling for us in Ho An, and I am sure that you are going to be wearing it for many years to come on many lovely summer days. Just kick this little hiccup and let’s move on to the next great adventure.
Marilyn July 16, 2016 at 5:28pm
Thanks, Pamela. I’m wearing the same dress to my Aunt Lil’s 100th birthday party today! It’ll always be a special dress!
Diane Lenkin July 15, 2016 at 7:06pm
Love Love Love to you and all of us on this human adventure !
Marilyn July 15, 2016 at 7:29pm
Yes – adventure it is!
Jenny July 15, 2016 at 7:41pm
Aunt Marilyn, Thinking of you and sending love and positive thoughts your way.
And here’s another coincidence…
Maddie’s Oncologist in Grand Rapids is Dr. Axtell. Same name!
Love, Jenny
Marilyn July 16, 2016 at 4:10am
OMG – that is incredible! What is the first name? I’m thinking they must be related!!
Farrs July 15, 2016 at 7:48pm
Thinking about you so much on this trip. Our thoughts and prayers go with you. Have had a great time, with the organ playing Phantom ( my favorite) and the fireworks which were totally awesome, another award winning trip!! Ross really enjoyed Gabriel, as always! Please keep us updated on your progress. You you are a super special lady and friend!!! The Farrs
Marilyn July 16, 2016 at 5:31pm
I’m honored to be your friend – as well as with so many other NECA peeps. I’m glad you loved the Phantom … that was a special request I had made to the organist. I hope Gabriel and Howard took lots of video! Enjoy your cruise!
Karen Gray July 15, 2016 at 7:55pm
Long time but always thinking of you…Sending best wishes and positive thoughts for a speedy recovery and 100% wellness report, Marilyn.
Marilyn July 16, 2016 at 5:33pm
Yes – Karen, it’s been a long time. How wonderful to re-connect . . . !
Andrea Michaels July 15, 2016 at 8:57pm
You touch so many in such remarkable ways. I love the candy in advance that you gave. I love that you wanting others to share your gift of giving with others. Flowers wilt. Candy adds to the hips or gives you diabetes instead of cancer. How about we all send love to you instead?
Marilyn July 15, 2016 at 10:42pm
I accept – with pleasure!
Cheryl and Jim Gelbmann July 15, 2016 at 9:05pm
We think of you often as we enjoy the Wow gifts from the two awesome trips! Now time to WoW yourself on your new journey! Our best wishes to you and Scott!
Marilyn July 16, 2016 at 12:48am
Thanks, Jim & Cheryl! Can’t wait for the 3rd trip with the two of you!
Linda Nakamura July 15, 2016 at 9:05pm
Please give us an update on how Gabriel’s concerns were addressed.
Marilyn July 16, 2016 at 4:09am
Yes, Linda – I will definitely let you know!
Jack Daly July 15, 2016 at 9:42pm
Marilyn C Murphy July 16, 2016 at 12:50am
You’re a man who knows a lot about heart … thanks for your support, always.
Marcie Blumberg July 15, 2016 at 9:49pm
Marilyn, John and I send big hugs and positive thoughts to you and your family.
Marilyn July 16, 2016 at 5:32pm
Thanks, Marcie & John! Hugs to you both!
Ann July 15, 2016 at 10:03pm
Your zest for life and positivity should be bottled.. you would be an instant millionaire!
God bless.
Marilyn July 16, 2016 at 12:51am
It won’t be bottled, but I hope it’ll be contagious. Hugs!
Nancy Goodell July 15, 2016 at 10:53pm
Oh, Marilyn! What a joy you are! And yes indeed, you are living your Mission Statement. Thank you for sharing this challenge and your positive attitude and actions. You are an inspiration to me
Marilyn C Murphy July 16, 2016 at 12:52am
Thanks, Nancy … it’s a Mutual Admiration Society! Love you 🙂
Ron Murphy July 16, 2016 at 1:18am
You’ll be in my thoughts come Wednesday.
Marilyn July 16, 2016 at 5:23pm
I know . . . you’re always in my heart, too. Love you 🙂
Joe Peters July 16, 2016 at 1:56am
My thoughts and prayers are with you. 😘
Marilyn July 16, 2016 at 5:25pm
Sonja & Eric July 16, 2016 at 2:28am
Wow I think I am a poop junk mail response because I was eagerly awaiting an update! I’m glad we caught it on Facebook. Our thoughts & prayers are with you & your family. I know Amsterdam was flawless. Believe me I have heard all about it! Can’t wait to travel together soon. Your spirit is infectious.
Marilyn July 16, 2016 at 5:22pm
Thank you guys! Can’t wait to travel with you again!
Surinder Chinai July 16, 2016 at 4:10am
Dear Marilyn…
We have not met but I enjoy reading your posts. After seeing your subject line today, I thought I would get a good chuckle and enjoy a moment of escape from all the bad news. Unfortunately, your post caught me off guard. Your humor through this situation is inspiring as is everything else you do. I hope you have a speedy full recovery.
Marilyn July 16, 2016 at 5:22pm
Surinder, We must meet one day! (How do we know each other?) Thank you for being such a loyal follower, and don’t despair – there will only be good news to follow all of this. Lots of learning and awareness . . .
Patty Karabatsos July 16, 2016 at 3:34pm
Marilyn,. You are the most positive person I have ever known. I am confident that you will beat this!! You always think of ways of helping other’s first. My thoughts will be with you Wednesday. Keep your positive energy going and have a speedy recovery. I’ll keep tabs through your other posting. Hugs and love,. Patty
Marilyn July 16, 2016 at 5:25pm
Thanks, Patty. That’s a high compliment! In my wildest imagination (and my imagination can be wild), I never would have predicted I could be an inspiration of positivity. So be it!
Cindi alangendoen July 16, 2016 at 10:14pm
Marilyn, my thoughts and prayers are with you. We are all grateful for your strength, passion and commitment and are on this journey with you. Go kick cancers butt!
xo Cindi
Marilyn July 17, 2016 at 5:06am
I’m visualizing a Nerf ball – with a swift kick! Gotta find a graphic artist to create the image!
Nora Paller July 18, 2016 at 3:14am
Paul and I are there with you in spirit and love. This is just a blip.
Marilyn July 18, 2016 at 5:38am
Yes – a knock alongside the head to pay attention to some important things I’ve been neglecting. To the Universe I say, “You’ve made your point. I got it!”
Gail July 18, 2016 at 3:53pm
So happy to see you at Aunt Lol’s Birthday. Our prayers are with you come Wed. Hope to see you at our house some time. Make it a personal WOW trip. Love You and Lots and lots of Hugs. PS: Loved the dress.
Ipo July 19, 2016 at 12:31am
Dear Marilyn…there’s no “poop” you can’t overcome! Lifting you in my prayers, including Scott and family. You are greatly loved!
Marilyn July 19, 2016 at 4:54am
Ipo – Let me count one more blessing … reconnecting with you! Thanks for your prayers – I’ll take ’em. And look forward to catching up about our respective lives in the years since we last saw each other. (I’ll have some time . . .!)