I’d been steeling myself for almost two years.
Two years ago, for the first time in his life, Rocky was really sick. My vet – Dr. Marc Silverman – gave me a dire prognosis: kidney disease and diabetes. Furthermore, the treatments for each condition would exacerbate the other condition.
I was stunned. It sounded like a death sentence. I remember asking him – through my tears – “If you were me, Doctor, would you put him down now?”
Much to my surprise, he said no. “Not quite yet. I’d like to try something . . .”
That was all I needed to hear. A careful combination of meds, prescription cat food, periodic blood tests and lots of love – plus his fighting instinct – prolonged his life. And his was a very, very good life – all the way to the end. We should all have it so.
I’ve often said . . . in my next life, I want to be my cat.
I’m grateful that I got two “extra” years with him. Two extra years to greet him with, “Hi, baby!” as he waited near the front door when I got home from work … two extra years to nuzzle him with my foot as I brushed my teeth … two extra years to burrow into the soft fur of his neck as I kissed him goodnight.
Rocky was lovable – even to people who don’t love cats. (I know, I know … everybody says that . . .). But with Rocky, it was really, really true. He was especially attracted to people who had cat allergies. He knew who they were. He was a staff favorite at the vet’s office. (I know, I know … everybody probably thinks that . . .).
He was the tiniest of a litter of kittens that had just been dropped at the Agoura Animal Shelter on the morning of June 1st, 1996. He was smaller than a soda can. And he was a little fighter (with a strong left hook), so I named him Rocky.
He’s been with me almost a third of my life. Outside of my birth family, it’s the longest relationship I’ve ever had.
I’m grateful for so many things:
If you’ve read this far, I know you’re an animal lover . . . thank you for understanding. (Sorry if this post made you cry . . .)
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Dana September 5, 2014 at 1:55pm
Hi Marilyn – You were right… I’m in tears right now… thank you so much for sharing… I know these times are so hard… when Birdie passed on I called the breeder just to let her know that after 22 years we’ll miss her so much and wanted to thank her for sharing her baby with us… it turned out she was out of town and by the time she called me back it was 20 min. before Birdie was going to arrive after being cremated. I thought the timing was so interesting since she shared that she knows how hard it is when a family friend called a “pet” leaves us. Then said that she also thinks that it is so worth while since they have so much to share and to help to enrich not only our lives but theirs also. She said for that alone it is worth the sadness and difficulty when they depart. Also, that it is part of a natural cycle… then we have time to visit with a new friend if we chose to. Just as we were about to finish our conversation they knocked on the door and Birdie arrived… the coordinator was such a loving person who handed us a beautiful box, a foot printg, a poem and a huge hug… the timing could not have been any better. A few weeks later we decided to donate Birdies cage to a non profit. As we were pulling out of the parking lot after dropping it off a song played over the radio — “it’s time to say good bye to an old friend”… I just sat in the car crying with Ellen as we said good bye… what a nice way to part… big hugs to you and your family 🙂 and yes – the tears definitely flowing…
Jim Gerwick September 5, 2014 at 2:00pm
People who love animals will understand exactly how you feel. Those who don’t don’t matter. You made your decision out of pure love. That is the price we pay for the joy we experience with our pets.
Joe Peters September 5, 2014 at 2:16pm
Marilyn, Thank you for sharing this. You were such a good Mom to Rocky. Be assured that you did EVERYTHING and gave 100% Know that Rocky is in a better place.
Joyce September 5, 2014 at 2:49pm
Yes…the post made me cry…a lot! I love that you loved Rocky sooo much! He was blessed to have you — as you were blessed to have him.
Romaine mazer September 5, 2014 at 3:30pm
so happy I got to meet Rocky at your DFW events. As a long time cat lover without a cat (I have now inherited my brothers cat) I always enjoyed your friendly babies . He had a wonderful life with you and he’s now in kitty heaven .
Ellen September 5, 2014 at 3:43pm
Hi Marilyn, Rocky is so beautiful. Thanks for sharing – what beautiful thoughts and pics. His energy and his love will always be with you. Much love, Ellen & Dana & the birdie crew
Steve Brabant September 5, 2014 at 3:53pm
It was difficult to read all the way through your message without getting more than a little “stuffed up”. Your love for Rocky is so evident and it is obvious that you treasured his place in your life. A very special relationship and I was very moved by your sharing. All the best to you and your family.
With Love,
Sherry Drzewicki September 5, 2014 at 5:44pm
So sorry for your loss. Our pets are so much a part of our family. It’s too bad our pets can’t live as long as we do. The joy and companionship they bring to our lives while they are here makes it all worth the pain when they depart. Feel peace in knowing that he is in a better place and does not have to suffer. Take care.
Nicole Becker September 5, 2014 at 6:03pm
Dear Marilyn,
So sweet to see your little boy and learn about your long love affair.
Two extra years, a precious furry gift. Sending love to him and you,
Jennifer Konsdorf September 5, 2014 at 6:34pm
I too got teary-eyed as I read this. It’s so hard to loose a pet, but the joy, love, and snuggles they bring us far outweigh the hard times we have to go through when it’s time to say good-bye. I know how much you loved Rocky and I’ve been thinking of you…
Love, Jenny
Leanne Sauve September 5, 2014 at 8:11pm
So sorry for your loss Marilyn.
Last summer my big cat Jake was diagnosed with diabetes and it was took quite an effort and getting over my fear of doing injections to help him into remission. Its a struggle to keep him there as he really wants to eat himself back to that unhealthy place. I learned as you did that it is worth the effort and taking advice from a trusted vet to know what is best and often there is hope and more healthy years for them to enjoy. Sounds like a wonderful family member you’ve had all these years and he was lucky for your love.
Ann Rosner September 6, 2014 at 1:01am
So sorry to learn about your loss, Marilyn. We love our pets so much , that when they leave us it is like losing a member of the family. I hope you have many happy memories of your beloved Rocky. He isn’t dead, he is asleep in your heart. much love Ann R.
Bob Ray September 6, 2014 at 4:17am
As one who loves cats – I’ve had up to 7 in my family – I know the pain of your loss well and wish there was something to say that would make it better. There just isn’t. There is a celebration of the time you had together which, in the cycle of life for us all, is the only permanence we’re given. Treasure those and know that’s Rocky has moved on to a kinder, more gentle place and is very grateful for all you’ve given from your heart and soul over your years together …
Cynthia Sawtell September 6, 2014 at 9:28pm
Oh, Marilyn.
This is a painful loss. They become family, and it is so hard that they don’t live as long as people.
I lost my precious Boris, the best-tempered Russian Blue EVER, a year and ½ ago. At 21, he’d
survived a number of close calls, but you are right. You definitely KNOW when they are ready
to go, and bravo to your vet for agreeing to do a house call for this painful moment. Feel this
hug. OOO
Jill Stoliker September 8, 2014 at 6:32pm
This is such a touching tribute to a loving companion. I am so sorry for your loss. Love from Jill