Back in January, I made a bold move and published some of my intentions for the year. By going public, I figured at least a few of my millions of avid followers would hold me accountable. You’ve all been terribly polite (thank you), in not pressing me for details.
This is what I wrote on January 2: “Since quite a number of people tell me they enjoy my weekly blog (thank you very much!), I actually have an audience of readers who might just possibly remember what I said I was going to do and might possibly be disappointed in me if I fail or falter. And, since I don’t like to disappoint other people (never mind that I quite regularly disappoint myself….) – I’m taking a plunge. Here goes: . . .”
So, here’s a recap of my stated intentions – and how I’m doing 90 days later:
Intention #1: At year-end, I will publish a picture-a-day photo book (providing motivation to do something interesting every single day).
Status: I was doing well for an entire month. Created an album in iPhoto and even started a layout in photobook software. January is covered. Then I stalled. Stopped.
Intention #2: I will unclench my shoulders. And my jaw. I will do this many times every day.
Status: I was conscious for a couple of weeks but have since dropped this one, too.
Intention #3: I will write and mail hand-written notes to people I care about.
Status: If I were a teacher, I’d give me a B minus with a comment, “needs improvement.”
Intention #4: I will go to the Pageant of the Masters in Laguna Beach.
The Pageant of the Masters is 90 minutes of “living pictures” – real people posing as subjects in classical paintings
Status: Wow! This one was easy – and a good reminder to “put it out there.” My fabulous business partner, Michael Day, jumped on this one and extended an invitation to make it happen this summer. Thank you, Michael & Lynn! Looking forward to it! (…but need to get it on calendar!)
Intention #5. I will launch my new WOW! Travel Club website.
Status: Jeesuz – it’s still not done! Partly my fault. Partly the developer’s fault. Should not have been such a PROJECT! But I reviewed it last night … and we’re really, (really!) close to launch!
Intention #6: I will block off 3 hours on my calendar per week to write my blog post at the Thousand Oaks Library, well in advance of my Friday 6AM (Pacific time) publication deadline.
Status: Can you see me, red-faced and embarrassed? Have still not seen the inside of the library that I drive past every single day. I AM writing this post on Thursday morning – rather than at 9 PM tonight…so I’m working on it!
Intention #7: I will delegate the task of organizing and editing my iPhoto library of more than 24,000 photos.
Status: As of today, I’m at 25,561 and haven’t imported most of the pics from my two recent trips to Cambodia, Vietnam and Cuba. I am continually getting a pop-up warning, “Your Start-Up Disc is Full.” My assistant, Deborah, is anxious to get her hands on my laptop – but I rarely let it out of my grasp! We’re working on a technology solution and she’s whittling away at my photo library.
Intention #8: I will attend a class or workshop or One-to-One session at the Apple store twice per month.
Status: I must admit this one has been a total failure — so far. Have not been there once.
Intention #9: I will get my most embarrassing “Bobbleheaded Pope” story published in AFAR magazine.
Status: I am in a writing class with my brilliant coach, Bruce Gelfand, and have shared this intention. One of my classmates has sent me the Writer’s Guidelines and has generously offered to kick me in the you-know-where to get it published.
Taking a selfie in the “skinny mirror” at Lindora Clinic on Jan 15, 2014
Intention #10. I will shed 14 pounds before my 60th birthday (on Oct 27).
Status: When I wrote my intentions, this one seemed the most un-attainable. I would have predicted that I’d have made ZERO progress on this one by now … but I’d be wrong. I have dropped 13 pounds!!
“How?” you ask. I joined the Lindora Weight-Loss Clinic. Their 6-week food plan and helpful staff supported me in breaking my addiction to carbohydrates. My cravings subsided. I logged my food intake on an app called My Fitness Pal. The protein bars were delicious. The weight dropped off with surprising ease.
If I were to prioritize my intentions, this last one would have been my #1. It feels good to have (almost) accomplished one goal WELL ahead of schedule. As for the others?
Thanks, avid readers! I couldn’t have done it without you!
I’ve got another WOW! trip on the calendar! I just got back from Cuba and must go back. It’s just too special to not share with all of you!
The party starts on South Beach (Miami) on Halloween night. Take a one-hour flight to the “forbidden island” the next day …. completely legal, of course. Enjoy three nights in Havana + three nights in the 500-year-old UNESCO treasure of Trinidad. Details and costs pending.
Copyright 2025 WOW! Travel. All Rights Reserved.
Jack Daly April 4, 2014 at 8:00am
M, you just need one or two “Board of Directors of your Life” that care enuf about you to check in and hold you accountable (as in nag you!). That will get you more on the list checked off!!
Love your putting yourself out there!!
Your buddy Jack
ps. Still mulling/discussing Patagonia…just returned from Cabo.
Bonnie Ducati April 4, 2014 at 10:05am
Marilyn, enjoyed your post. Congratulations on the weight loss. I love the blog. You are an inspiration.
Jill Stoliker April 4, 2014 at 10:59am
As a First Quarter Review, I think that you are doing great on your 2014 Intentions. Give yourself some credit. I have found that an affirmative “auto-suggestion” every morning and night seems to relax my shoulders, neck and jaw better than stopping to focus on unclenching. Also review the size, weight and balance of items you carry: purse, brief case, grocery bags, etc. and observe your posture and balance during repetitive tasks (computer, phone, etc.).
Please place me on the list for the Halloween Cuba trip.