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The Tag-Team Trip – Part 2, Amsterdam

WOW! Travel Small Group Travel

Howard here, for my first attempt at a blog.  Not only did we tag-team our recent group in Europe as Whitney mentioned last week, but we’re all stepping in for the Weekly WOW! as well.

Last week, we shared some of Gabriel’s pictures from the pre-trip to the lovely city of Bruges, Belgium.  This week, we’re moving on to the meeting in Amsterdam where  Gabriel and I spent four fantastic nights with 160 of our favorite clients.

Marilyn spent the better part of a year meticulously planning this biyearly program. There were a lot of moving parts but, with the help of our stellar local team (thank you, Victor and Maelle!) and Marilyn’s vision, we were able to pull off a flawless program.

Truth be told – we were so busy running around that we didn’t have the chance to take that many photos!  We did manage to take a few… here are some memories from our time in Amsterdam:

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The team – Victor, Gabriel, Maelle & myself

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Stunning De Haar Castle


A few sights around Amsterdam…

Of course, as we did in Bruges, we had to make sure that Marilyn made an appearance….

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Can you spot her?   This was our final night dinner in a converted 17th century church.  We surprised our guests with a performance on the 40 ft. organ that was a huge hit with everyone.

Next, it was onto Paris for an amazing fireworks display on Bastille Day followed by a weeklong Seine River cruise.  More on that in next week’s blog.

Until then….voor nu tot ziens ~ “goodbye for now” in Dutch!


  • Donna July 29, 2016 at 3:33pm

    This entire trip was fantabulous. The attention to detail is amazing and the special surprises are so wonderful. We missed Marilyn big time but it was a pleasure to travel with the three “WGH” musketeers, Whitney, Gabriel and Howard. Thank you also for the extra treats, scarf, macaroons and caramels.

  • Marilyn (da boss lady!) July 29, 2016 at 4:59pm

    Good job, Howard! (and team) – on the blog and everything else you do!

  • Ken Paganini August 3, 2016 at 5:00pm

    WOW! What an amazing trip. We were so impressed with the many details involved in this trip, and the wonderful extra events. Marilyn, we missed you being there, but have to say that your phenomenal team worked very hard. Look forward to another trip, including you!!!!!

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