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The Weekly WOW! that Isn’t . . .

WOW! Travel Small Group Travel

You may have noticed the name of this blog is the “Weekly WOW!”

And, you may have noticed that it ceased being weekly quite some time ago. Hopefully, you’ve been wondering where I’ve been – and why I stopped publishing with regularity.

Frankly, I got tired of staying up till 2 or 3 AM on Thursday night in order to publish and hit the “send” button on the email blast for Friday morning. It occurred to me that the earth wouldn’t stop turning if I skipped a week once in a while. I didn’t intend to skip so often – so I apologize (and appreciate) if you’ve missed my missives! (Maybe I should call it “Once-In-Awhile WOW! …?)

There’s lots to share, so here’s a partial update:

In the last four months of 2018, I traveled to five continents: Africa (Morocco), Europe (Prague), North America (Costa Rica), South America (Chile & Argentina) and Antarctica. If I learned one thing – as fabulous as was every single journey – it’s too much traveling – even for me!

Antarctica was to be my 7th and final continent. A bucket-list item to check off. I was already in southern South America, so it made sense to plan to go there after I wrapped up my WOW journey to Patagonia. I expected to see snow, penguins, and whales. I expected some rough seas through the legendary Drake Passage. And I expected it would be cold.

What I didn’t expect was a spiritual experience. So pristine, so quiet, so “other-worldly.” There is no land mass on this planet that isn’t claimed by some government or another. No place that doesn’t have cities, shops, infrastructure, Immigration formalities . . . no place that doesn’t have people! Somehow, the governments of the world have managed to keep their grubby, greedy paws off this beautiful piece of land (or, more accurately – ice).

Antarctica is regarded as an “international continent.” It’s a place of worldwide cooperation, peace and scientific discovery. More than 29 countries have a total of 70 permanent research stations scattered across the continent. These countries have signed the Antarctic Treaty – promising to ensure the preservation of the land and cooperate with their fellow explorers.

If we can do it for Antarctica, why can’t we do it elsewhere? Oh, yeah … with temperatures of minus 130 degrees, it’s not very hospitable for humans.

But the question we’re most asked about Antarctica: “Was it cold?”


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p.s. Yes, it was cold!

p.p.s. And, yes – you’d probably do it, too. Really … you probably would. The energy is strangely contagious. Of the 120 passengers on our ship, 86 of them took the Plunge!  (The poor crew – standing out there in the freezing cold for hours . . . !)

We’re working on a new WOW! website. Stay tuned for the big reveal. If all goes as planned – it’ll be birthed next week!! I’ve been through this before and wonder why it never seems to get easier!

Searching through years and years of photos to find the “perfect” ones – I’m reminded of so many extraordinary WOW moments that I struggle to explain to the uninitiated with words. So, I decided I should make a video montage with photos and clips of all the journeys we’ve done? YIKES! Does anybody out there ever look at their video footage? OMG! What a project … and more extraordinary memories to savor.

This website WILL get done! (But the video will take some time . . .)

p.s. I could use a few more glowing testimonials, please … (anybody out there?)

Lest you think that all I do is travel to exotic places, well … it’s mostly true. But sometimes I stay a little closer to home. I went to downtown Los Angeles for the Women’s March earlier this month. I’ve always been energized by gleaming skyscrapers and fabulous old architecture, and that hasn’t changed. But I wouldn’t want to live there (especially in an earthquake)!

WOW! Travel Small Group Travel  The old and the new in downtown LA.

A few other closer-to-home adventures are in the works: Scott and I are taking a daytrip via Amtrak to San Clemente next weekend to visit friends. Come summer, I’m planning a circuit of visits to family and friends in the midwest in early June. Then Monterey in late June. But before that: Guatemala and Puglia!

I’m gonna stop … there’s much more to share – and I promise I will publish more frequently. Thanks for reading!

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