Marilyn is taking a break from the blog this week to finalize her preparations for her Cancer-Free Party this Saturday, so she asked me to step in.
What started as a train ride in Europe with a bench seat all to myself and a fairly quiet sleeping environment (as quiet as a cheap seat in a low budget, overnight “clickity clack”, kind of train can be), became increasingly more crowded as dawn approached.
At each stop, more and more people boarded with more and more stuff. At one of the stops at about 7:00 a.m., with a few hours until I reached my destination, an elderly woman wedged in next to me carrying two live chickens. Yes, LIVE chickens – on her lap! No one seemed to bat an eye, including the chickens… except me.
Not quite, but you get the point…
I got to wondering what kind of crazy things people have brought on planes, trains, or ferries. Back in the days before TSA and, apparently, before carry-on restrictions, I remember seeing a family bring on a HUGE (pre-flat screen) TV in a box – they wrestled that thing into the aircraft and got it all the way to their destination! On my way back from Switzerland in 1981, one of my travel mates brought back an antique oxen collar – she wore it around her neck so she could still carry her other luggage!
Yep, she was wearing one of these around her neck!
My curiosity got the best of me, so I googled “craziest things people have tried to bring on a plane.” I found a few articles that highlighted some of the items that were documented on the TSA’s blog (yes, they have a weekly blog, too!). Every week they post items that passengers try to bring on aircraft.
Last week alone, across the US, 85 firearms were seized, 77 were loaded, and 25 of them had bullets in the chamber! Who, on earth, thought THOSE would make it through the X-ray machine! All kinds of other weapons get confiscated – an abundance of cane swords (so James Bond-ish!), hair brush and comb daggers (is that a thing?), hatchets, throwing stars, cross bows, spear guns, grenades, smoke bombs… and the list goes on and on.
Yes, a hairbrush dagger is actually a thing!
On the “WTH” side of the spectrum we find the following:
Apparently, pants are the preferred smuggling attire… 7 snakes and 3 turtles – what, no fish??
With a face like that, I’d almost consider smuggling him in… almost!
With security as tight as it is – don’t even THINK about getting the sixth 3.4 oz. bottle through Heathrow! – I wondered what kind of things we are still able to bring on (carry on) a plane or train. I did a little research and here are some of the things that you CAN (according to the TSA site) carry on a plane – and they’re not what you’d expect:
Like TSA, Amtrak has a blog, but it isn’t nearly as entertaining (from a “weird stuff left behind” perspective). I did, however, find some fun information about the weirdest things people leave on trains from a UK website. Here is the full list:
EIGHT sets of false teeth? Really?
The happiest Lost & Found department I’ve ever seen! Of course, who wouldn’t smile with an inflatable dinosaur looking over their shoulder?
When I told Marilyn my blog idea she immediately said to me, “Oh my gosh, do you remember the ‘Legend of Crocky?’” “Whhhhaaaattt,” I replied. She excitedly pulled up a blog that she had written in 2011 – The legend of Crocky and why the monkeys got mad.
Apparently, while one is prohibited from bringing LIVE crocodiles on a plane, there is absolutely no issue with bringing a Solar-Powered Floating Crocodile Head! And so it happened, Crocky made the flight from the US to Panama (and back) and made her debut in the waters adjacent to Monkey Island!
The infamous “Crocky!”
I often wonder what the airline and customs staff thought as they opened Marilyn’s suitcase only to find a giant crocodile staring back at them! Of course, after reading the TSA blog, they probably just chuckled and thought, “at least it’s not a severed head!”
What’s the craziest thing you’ve seen or brought onto a plane or train?
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Marilyn Murphy September 1, 2017 at 10:18am
Great blog, Ellen! Thanks for pitching in …. and offering me an opportunity to recall one of my favorite travel memories. Still waiting for another opportunity to take “Crocky” on a trip!
Ellen September 1, 2017 at 10:48am
Thanks, Marilyn! It was a fun one to write – never ceases to amaze me the “creativity” of travelers! And, yes, I am looking forward to Crocky’s next adventure, too!